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Organic Camu Camu Pulp Powder Available from Top Rated Supplier

The Camu Camu is a shrub of 6 to 8 ms. of height, native of some Peruvian affluents of the Amazon river, that is characterized to be as a fruit of 10 to 32 mm. of diameter, pink redish colour and soft.
In wild state the Camu Camu vegetates in the border of the rivers, submerged part of the trunk until a height from 30 to 40 % its total stature. It produces between the months of December and March.

Scientific Name: Myrciaria dubia ( H.B.K. )

Parts Used: 100% Fruit

Integral: Whole fruit 4-7% of vitamin C
Pulp: Pulp + marc vitamin 9-15 % of C
Common Name: Camu Camu

Origin and Distribution: Bolivian Amazon, Brazilian, Colombian, Ecuadorian,Peruvian , Venezuelan and the Guianas . In the Peruvian Amazon we have natural populations : Loreto and Ucayali. At present there are plantation crops : Mother of God , Chanchamayo and Satipo ( Junin ) , Tingo Maria ( Huanuco ) .

Benefits :

Nourishing Supplement
It increases the defenses of the organism
Antibacterial agent
Aid to avoid the fatigue
Essential for iron absorption (it prevents the sportsman anaemia)
Properties :
This fruit is rich in high vitamin C content, which transforms it into a true antioxidant source in 100 grams of the pulp contains 30 times more than any other citrus fruit.
As this fruit is a semi-aquatic species, you can get to stay 7 months under water in large periods of flooding about 20 or 30 degrees of temperature without altering its properties, including noteworthy that is a excelenteastringente, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, emollient , nutritious, antiviral, anti-migraine, antidepressant and a natural slimming.
On the other hand contain 63 times more ascorbic acid, carotenoids, calcium, iron, niacin,
riboflavin, thiamine proteins and is excellent involved in wound healing, it is a good influenza, prevents diabetes, cough, bronchitis, and alterations lung, helps make great mental, physical and sporting endeavors.
As natural vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen, which is essential for the body
and holding many structures and assists in the formation of bones, teeth and gums, blood vessels and skin, can stimulate the body's natural defenses and intervene in iron absorption that comes from other foods.
Exerts a preventive and therapeutic action against cell aggression, due to oxidation of free radicals, and is essential in those diets require significant amounts of vitamin C.
Twenty-four months under appropriate storage conditions(sealed in a cool , dry environment).

Production Capacity: Up to 10 tons a month.


Health Registration DIGESA-PERU
Lima Chamber of Commerce: Certificate of Origin.
Packaging Quality Certification
NOP and EU organic certification
HACCP Certification

  • camu camu
  • polpa
  • amazonia
  • superfood
  • superalimento
  • amazon
  • vitamina c

Capacidade de produção:


Prazo de Entrega:

Depende do Tamanho do Pedido


CFR - Cost and Freight

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight

FOB - Free on Board

Informações da Embalagem:

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200K - 500K

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Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Fabricante
  • Empresa trading
  • Distribuidor/Atacadista

Palavras chaves
  • maca
  • peru
  • produtos naturais
  • camu camu
  • sacha inchi
  • chia
  • aguaje
  • Ver Mais

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario JOHN ********
  • icone de telefone +51 51********
  • map-marker Lima / Lima | Peru

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